Electricity Market in Transition
Three interconnected dynamics are pushing the electricity market towards rapid transformation:
The market has reached three fundamental tipping points:
On-site generation/storage solutions can reliably provide clean, cost-competitive electricity
The mandate to urgently decarbonize
Today’s digital economy requires secure, reliable and resilient electricity supply regardless of extreme weather and cyber vulnerabilities
A Microgrid Future
Microgrids are the obvious solution, yet the microgrid market is still far from realizing its potential
Long and complex development cycles, isolated data silos, and legacy microgrid planning and operation solutions are slowing the realization of the full potential microgrids can offer
Brightmerge is about to revolutionize how microgrid opportunities are prospected, planned, and operated, cutting time and costs so microgrids can realize their full potential in building a more secure, clean, and reliable electricity economy powering future!
What is a Microgrid?
A group of interconnected loads and distributed energy resources within defined electrical boundaries.
Microgrids act as a single controllable entity that can operate autonomously whether connected or disconnected from the grid.
Microgrids may be connected to each other to create a single network, or may be connected to the already existing central grid.

Our Market - Stakeholders and Users
Brightmerge solution for smart energy:
Here are the top trends driving the microgrid growth:
Customers quotes

"from advanced AI capabilities to deep knowledge of the electricity market, Brightmerge have an excellent approach to addressing a real need of Optimizing local energy systems”
CEO of Renwal Energy Company
Strategic Collaborators